This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Billy from The Manwhore Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
The Manwhore Podcast launched in April 2014. But I started planning, researching and recording in November 2013.
Why did you start podcasting?
I have a unique problem: women will sleep with me but they won’t date me.
I know a lot of men would envy my position but it’s always been very frustrating for me. I love love, but I also love sex!
However, every time I wanted to make a relationship more serious, the woman was always the one to say, “Let’s just keep this super casual.” So I decided to finally seek some answers!
I’m a stand-up comedian so it’s important to produce some sort of content besides your stand-up.
I don’t really do sketches or YouTube characters but a podcast is a trendy and fitting medium for a comic. On top of asking my former flames why we didn’t work out, I’m also super passionate about sex, dating, sexuality and gender.
So doing a podcast would allow me to talk about these topics I’m really into without the pressure of having to do yet another generic comedy podcast.
My show is certainly more of a sexuality show than a comedy show, but there are naturally a lot of funny moments!
I knew for a long time I wanted to do something with my interesting sex/dating life. I didn’t know if it was a blog or a web series or a podcast or what.
When I finally settled on doing it as a podcast, I received all of instruction I could ever need from Keith and the Girl’s Ultimate Podcasting Guide.
The e-book illustrated everything one needed to do from conception to equipment to launch to promotion. It’s invaluable.
What’s your show about?
In the Manwhore Podcast, every week I talk to women I’ve hooked up with about sex, dating, sexuality and gender.
They’re not really interviews as much as they are honest conversations between former intimates. I also have on special guests: sex educators, porn stars, queer performers, sex workers and stand-up comedians.
What’s your podcasting set-up?
I am an idiot when it comes to tech stuff.
I prefer to maintain my ignorance of audio engineering while maximizing the quality of the show.
Keith and the Girl emphasized to me over and over to not be cheap about microphones! What your show sounds like is literally one of the most important things.
If your content is spectacular and it sounds like crap, no one will listen to more than 20 seconds. I record on an H4N Zoom with two Shure SM 58 mics.
I then drag the file off the Zoom and edit it on Audacity. After I export that WAV file, I run it through Auphonic before publishing on Libsyn! Seems to work for me and no one’s complained about the audio quality yet!
How have you promoted your podcast?
- Trope #1: I promote it on Facebook.
- Trope #2: I promote it on Twitter.
- Trope #3: I post it on Reddit’s relevant subreddits.
- Trope #4: I promote it on Tinder. You all do that, too. Right?
I’ve also written articles on and Ravishly that include mention or links to The Manwhore Podcast.
I’ve billed myself as an authority on sex and dating to reporters who need quotes for their articles.
In exchange for my quotes, they reference the show in their piece and link back to the iTunes page.
I’ve also appeared on other podcasts with larger audiences, kill it, and wait for new subscribers to come on over! You can do any of these, too, but you have to be good at it.
If you go on another podcast and you’re boring, no one will come check out your podcast. I was on a very popular podcast several months ago but I didn’t do a great job.
I don’t think many if any of their hundred-thousand listeners checked out my podcast after my dull appearance.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Don’t argue with people on Twitter. Slow down. Don’t interrupt your guests so much.
If you’re having some troubles in your dating life – you know – all those girls don’t wanna have an actual relationship with you – well now you know where to go!
You MUST subscribe to The Manwhore podcast ASAP. It might just save your life.
Or you can just follow him on Twitter.
Oh my gosh, and you also have to go check out the Man Whore Podcast Patreon page, just to see all the fun bonus rewards 🙂
If you have a very unique relationship issue that’s simply been driving you nuts and you HAVE to start podcasting about it – we would love to host your podcast!!