Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Trevor Romain Podcast


This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!

Q & A with Trevor from The Trevor Romain Podcast

Why did you start podcasting?

I was inspired by listening to other podcasts. I have a good following on my Facebook and Instagram accounts and thought an audio version of my Facebook posts would appeal to some of my readers.

My posts tend to be a little longer and more in-depth than most people like to read on Facebook so I thought they would be perfect length for a podcast that was ‘bite-sized’ and simple, and delivered my message in the same style as my Facebook posts do.

What’s the name of your show and what is it about?

It’s Called the Trevor Romain Podcast and it’s a melange of thoughts and ideas that go through my mind when I’m running, painting or writing.  It’s almost like an audio journal of my thoughts and observations.

What’s your podcasting set-up?

There is no big set up to tell the truth. I use my iPhone 11, a Rode lapel microphone and GarageBand to mix and add effects. That’s it. Believe it or not. The sound studio is my car.  Yep. I record in my car. I love it because there is a cup holder for my hot tea and I can tilt the car seat back for maximum podcast-comfort. The acoustics are great and it’s quiet, whereas my house echo’s a lot because it has wooden floors and no carpets.

How have you promoted your podcast?

We promote my podcast through my company, and on all of our social media platforms. We have been promoting the podcast through social media outlets and product emails to our customers. We’re also in the position to be open for sponsorship opportunities. As an author with over a million books in print, I have the potential to tap into a significant audience and we’re reaching out to potential sponsors to help us have a bigger sphere of influence.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?

I know that I was my own stumbling block. I was afraid that the podcast may not work so I took a number of years to get it going after my initial idea.

I wish I had started sooner because it is an exciting, satisfying and powerful medium that is gaining traction weekly.

The Trevor Romain Podcast is an extension of Trevor Romain’s life’s work to help kids become mentally happier and healthier. You can learn more about Trevor Romain by listening to his podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or catch up with him on IG, Facebook or Twitter.

Trevor Romain’s podcast acts as a comical stream of consciousness on anything art, books and random thoughts.  You can express your inner thoughts in podcast form too.  We can help! Check out our Start Your Podcast blog series, and we have the best podcast hosting plans around!

Extraordinary Podcasting For All

Use code “creator” for up to 2 months free when you start podcasting or move to Libsyn.

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