Easy Podcast Subscription Content in 2023!
[Updated] Maybe you are starting a podcast to make money and see a podcast subscription as the first step. Or,
[Updated] Maybe you are starting a podcast to make money and see a podcast subscription as the first step. Or,
“I’ve learned so much about podcasting over the past seven years and now share that knowledge with a podcast about
“For us, a podcast seemed a logical extension of the ministry, which strives to connect people with Catholic sisters for
One of the most important places for podcast discovery is your podcast website — a must — in addition to
“Imagine a conversation between you and your favorite person, and you both just happen to be audiophiles who feel a
Getting featured on Apple Podcasts can have a substantial impact on your podcast growth. Up to this point, no one
I always thought, “Maybe someday,” but I was nervous about putting myself out there. What if it’s not any good
The Apple Podcasts Team has shared some tools that they believe will be beneficial to grow your podcast! What you
“Alexa, play the podcast _____!” There’s an exciting new way to help you promote your show on Amazon Music! To
When do I use show artwork vs. widescreen images? You might have seen both options in the Libsyn dashboard, but
This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as
You’ve planned your show. You’ve curated your recording space. Now it’s time to get set up for recording!
We’ll walk you through preparing the intro & outro, adding music, and recording tips specific to each podcaster level (1, 2 and 3).
¿Listo para hacer un podcast? Aquí está la guía de Libsyn para comenzar un podcast, para cualquier nivel de podcast y podcaster.
👀*PODCASTER*👀 Father figures! What would be in your podcasting wish list? *share with us!👇🏽* #podcaster #podcasting Imagine cost and
There are a couple of things podcasters love and adore above all else: recognition (you know, love, acknowledgement, “I do
Ready to podcast? Here’s Libsyn’s guide to starting a podcast, for any level of podcast and podcaster.
Struggling with how to grow your podcast and build your audience? Check out these 10 podcast content ideas will help get people to listen to your podcast.
Prime promotion for your podcast! We’ll be doing our very first Libsyn Live One Day Online Conference for International Podcast
Free year of podcast hosting! Who doesn’t want that? Three random winners will be chosen from the submissions! You can
It’s time to get our collective insights and wisdom together so we can learn from those of us that are
No Halloween episode from Libsyn’s The Feed this year BUT do we have a slew of awesome Halloween consumption for
I got this crazy idea…. I’m not a fan of Halloween. I don’t think I’ve ever aligned with the celebration.
It doesn’t seem like it can be done right? Sharing your podcast in 140 characters or less. There’s just so
DOWNLOAD MP3 More awesome Podcast promos! As always, the following three promos were featured on the latest episode of The
This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world
Starting a podcast is a pretty simple. Staying committed, inspired and consistent in publishing your podcast is a whole other
Heather Ordover has managed to delve into the world of podcasting in her way and rock it out successfully since
Podcasting Luminaries = Creative, Committed, Enduring Starting a podcast is a pretty simple. Staying dedicated, inspired and consistent in publishing
We’re always looking for ways to get your podcasts out in the world. We hope to get a little bit
Consuming Podcasts on mobile devices has come a long way since Libsyn started 8 ½ Years ago (Nov 2004). In the
How would you like to be featured on our Facebook Page’s cover photo like the amazing Gamertag Radio? The podcasting
Hello Podcasters! We are always looking for innovative ways to share valuable podcasting information as well as help you grow
This series is all about libsyn’s newest podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world
Not going out treat or treating? Or going trick or treating but would like a little break? Here are some
You asked for it. It’s done. Directly from your libsyn Dashboard, now you can customize your Twitter update as it
Blogger OnPublish is Out! We’ve been asking for your feedback on Twitter and on our Facebook Page. We note everything
This is the beginning of a series of posts aimed to demystify social media for podcasters, beginning with Facebook. Do
Summer time, such a fantastic time to discover new podcasts We asked on our Facebook Page to get some suggestions
What are the hardest roadblocks toward getting new listeners for your podcast? The potential listeners that I’m referring to here,
OMG! Is our awesome web/graphic superhero the coolest or what? Here’s the deal: our FABULOSO Chuck, the one we all
Remember the cool functionality to easily cross-post your favorite episodes over to twitter and Facebook via our sweet OnPublish feature?
Keeping up with this podcasting thing is not easy. We’ve been in the podcasting game since 2004 and have seen
We’ve got a really awesome series dedicated to featuring and promoting podcasts that are new to us. These podcasts are
Podcasting Advice From Mom s One of the most powerful qualities about motherhood is our voice. Our voice will be
Here we go again! So we had just posted about the recent change of iTunes artwork to 1200 x 1200.
The 2 million downloads per week man and guinness book of world records holder is using Mylibsyn exclusively for his
What do you think of the new Timeline for Facebook Pages? Some podcasters have done a great job getting their
Quick summary of Mylibsyn: As a podcast producer you have the ability to offer premium content subscriptions to your audience
So you guys know about the cool new feature for libsyn users to monetize their content and create premium content
We are so excited to be able to introduce Mylibsyn! Mylibsyn is the power to offer your audience access to
Who’s been hanging at SXSW? Well, it seems we have a crew of powerfully awesome libysn podcasters rockin’ the house!
Libsyn’s hometown is Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburghers take football season very, VERY seriously. Libsyn.com has a whole roster (pun intended) of
Danny Pena and Gamertag Radio have been rockin’ the podcasting world since 2005. During these past 6 years GTR has
Podcasting since 2005, Dan Carlin has built a steady, strong and powerful body of work, as well as an engaged
Ilysa and Kira have been podcasting for over 4 years, and in that amount of time have created an incredible
Wanna have your latest podcast episode always ready for consumption on your Podcast Facebook Page? There have been many requests
Steve Runner from Pheddipidations (“Fed-hip-id-ay-shuns”) has been podcasting since July 4, 2005. A true and steady podcasting pioneer, steady, inspiring,
In last week’s post we addressed creating a landing page on your podcast’s Facebook Page and as promised here is
What is a Landing Page? A Landing Page is a static page that your visitors arrive on when they come
Check out Libsyn Podcaster Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl who has had a very busy summer. Early this month she
It’s time to introduce your kids to podcasting! With all the traveling and vacation time in the summer kids get
More listeners please! The podcasters call to arms. Although there are some tangible and tactical ways to grow your audience,
Happy Independence Day weekend United States peeps! In case you want to celebrate July 4th by listening to some history
In my humble opinion I believe every podcaster is an artist. Each podcaster has her own voice, her own story,
One way to connect to your podcast is a facebook page. Facebook has a separate way for businesses, organizations, shows
You got your podcast. You want more listeners? Great! Check out these simple ways to optimize your fabulous work so
What Are Permalinks? In the podcasting world, these would be the unique url or location of each of your shownotes/posts
This post was originally published by Rob Walch on the Podcast411 blog and is being republished here with his permission.
One thing that has not been covered from the podcasting perspective has been rising in the ranks in the iTunes
As podcasters, any social media strategy we choose to use to help us better connect with our audience is all
When rain comes in the form of the Wall Street Journal it pours publicity 😉 This is what happened to
There are tons of podcasters that are currently using Twitter as another way to enhance relationships with existing listeners as
Do you want to make your downloads count? Are you making sure that you are using all the proper links
Do you know what your ID3 tags are? First let’s just get a quick definition: ID3, according to id3.org means
When I started podcasting in 2006 I had no idea that I would still be doing it 5 years later,
Did you guys know that Facebook Pages are going to be getting a major overhaul? There are a TON of
What is your podcast about? iTunes now has hundreds of thousands podcasts available for easy consumption, and upon looking at
How would you feel if you walked into your neighborhood grocery store and the isles no longer had descriptions of
Do People Know How To Subscribe From Your Site? I go to my podcast website all the time. I can
When was the last time that you checked out your own podcast landing page in iTunes? It may seem a
WTF is Marc Maron on a streak. The show is currently the number two ranked podcast in iTunes, nipping at
Image via Wikipedia A couple of years ago, I was interviewed for podcast. Of course I linked to it in
One of the things that has been incredibly helpful not only in promoting my blog and helpful for finding new
You’ve been hearing about podcasting for a while and you’re finally up for jumping in. Where do you begin if
This time of year is when the majority of us decide it’s time to get healthy, or at minimum start
Podcasting really changed my life. Encountering the voices of incredible people sharing passionately about themselves and what they love, gave
The rush is coming, it’s the most wonderful time for podcasters. Downloads are usually up across the board come January,
I was flipping through the blogs I like to follow about social media and noticed a bunch of posts about
Sales of apps soar pre and post-holiday due the number of new devices and iTunes gift cards given as holiday
In the December issue of Fast Company famed director and libsyn customer Kevin Smith was featured in the article Inside
Looking for some ideas to offer some freakin’ awesome bonus content to your audience through your new iPhone App? We
We thought we’d round up a few of our favorite scary podcasts covering the weird, wild, alien, dead, undead, ghosts,
Everybody loves pictures. I’m sure that you’ve had your attention drawn by them at some point during your day. Images
Not all podcasters want to monetize their podcast. In fact a lot of indie podcasters start a podcast because they
June 29th 2010 will mark the 5 Year anniversary of iTunes v4.9 and as a Podcaster you may know that